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New York French American Charter School

311 W. 120th St.

Upper West Side, NY


About New York French American Charter School -

About New York French American Charter School

Founded in 2010, the New York French American Charter School was the first bilingual Franco-American public charter school in the U.S. The school was formed to address the needs of the New York City francophone community, as in the Little Senegal section of Harlem where NYFACS is located. Even before entering the school, you will likely hear French being spoken on the street. Our students are citizens of the world. From the youngest students and throughout all grades, we instill the notion of respect and curiosity for different cultures. NYFACS embraces diversity through learning, cooperation, and acceptance.

Our Educational Philosophy -

Our Educational Philosophy

New York French American Charter School is a pre-K to eighth-grade tuition-free French immersion school in the Upper West Side. It has a rich and rigorous curriculum that provides students with the necessary skills and learning experiences needed for sustained academic achievement. NYFACS blends the French and American system, taking the best from each. The school knows no two students are alike, especially when it comes to hitting developmental benchmarks. They believe in academic and social skills standards for your child that encompass their level. NYFACS bases our differentiated instruction on identified needs of students, in all grades. Students are continuously assessed in order to ascertain areas of deficiency and individual plans are developed to address and support those needs

New York French American Charter School’s Mission -

New York French American Charter School’s Mission

The mission of the New York French American Charter School is to develop bilingual, biliterate global citizens who will be the leaders of tomorrow. Students learn a true appreciation, respect for, and understanding of diversity through the example of the adults who work with them, as well as the foundations of respect and responsibility, first for themselves, and then for their community. Students are educated with a global perspective using critical thinking and resources from other cultures and countries, and are provided with the language, vocabulary, and contexts that will enable them to create open dialogues with others. NYFACS students are prepared for the 21st century through a rigorous and well-rounded biliterate and bilingual education.

French Immersion Program -

French Immersion Program

Children in kindergarten through second grade receive 75%-80% of instruction in French, including reading and writing, science, math, social studies, art, and music. While English reading and writing, drama, dance, and physical education are taught in English. Once students reach third through fifth grades, 50% of classes are taught in French and 50% are taught in English. French instruction happens in reading and writing, social studies, art, and music, while English instruction happens in reading and writing, math, science, and physical education.

Special Education at New York French American Charter School -

Special Education at New York French American Charter School

NYFACS prides itself on the diversity of its student and teacher population, embracing the many languages, cultural, economic, social and educational differences that our diverse school attracts and requires. New York French American Charter School believes that providing adequate support and special accommodations for children with additional needs is implicit in the mission of our school. In fact, the overall instructional program of NYFACS is well suited to students with disabilities. The structured NYFACS program will assist students who are identified as at-risk both with disabilities and without. NYFACS promotes a strong program of parental and student support through the Response to Intervention program and special education.

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New York French American Charter School has educated hundreds of dual language PreK-eighth students in our tuition-free French immersion school. The school supports all levels of French and English language learners in their bilingual immersion school environment.The school unlocks a lifelong appreciation for our multicultural world.