Family Outing: Historic Richmond Town
By Sonya Sharif
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During Old Home Day, on the third Sunday of October each year, sample fresh-baked bread and soup, churn your own butter, and learn other old-fashioned trades from master craftsman.
Along with a host of other festive events near the holidays, the annual Candle Light Tour in December tells the story of New York Christmas traditions and explains their history, which date back to the 1690s.
Kids ages 11 to 14 can sign up for the Summer Apprentice Program where they will take a focused look at a trade of their choice (basket-making, blacksmithing, tin-making, doll-making, or cooking) and learn about what goes on behind the scenes at the museum over a two-week period.
Address: 441 Clarke Ave., Staten Island
Directions: About a 15-minute drive from all NYC bridges
Hours: The village is open Wednesday-Sunday 1-5pm (call ahead for tour schedule)
Price: $8; $6 seniors and students; $5 children ages 4-11; free for children ages 3 and younger
For more information: 718-351-1611 or historicrichmondtown.org