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Members of YFH assist at many of UHR’s ongoing programs and events, including Hugs for Hospice, the Spring Gala, the Africa Hospice Project, the annual walkathon, and local blood drives. Some members also volunteer in UHR’s offices.
Youth for Hospice has become known for its own signature event, the Dance-A-Thon. Founded three years ago, the event is open to all county high school students. The 2011 event attracted more than 300 students from 16 area high schools and raised more than $11,000. The YFH group has also organized and led its own carwashes, bake sales, and haircut-a-thons to benefit UHR. The group elects its own officers each year, and all students who participate in Youth For Hospice gain valuable experience in leadership and community service. For more information or to find out how you can get involved, call 845-634-4974 or email ldenburg [at]