Family Outing: Hallockville Museum Farm
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The llama obstacle course is a perennial favorite at the Long Island Fleece and Fiber Fair.
In July and August, kids ages 6-13 can register for Arts on the Farm, Hallockville’s five-week summer camp program. Each week has a different theme including organic gardening, wood working, and barnyard arts-and-crafts. The museum also runs a Little Sprouts day camp program for younger kids ages 3-5, who help take care of farm animals and enjoy arts-and-crafts time on the farm.
The end of July is marked by the museum’s annual Barn Dance, a rousing evening of live music, folk dancing, and merriment for all ages at the Naugles Barn.
No dancing experience is needed to join the annual Barn Dance!
Photo by Gabrielle Colen
The Fall Festival and Craft Show in September is old-fashioned fun for everyone, with craft demonstrations including basket weaving, yarn spinning, rug hooking, quilting, woodworking, blacksmithing, and more. Celebrate the rich history and traditions of the community at this country fair, which also features more than 50 local craft vendors. See livestock displays, farm machinery and tractor exhibits, and even a model railroad display. The museum’s buildings are open to the public during the festival.
Tractors come in sizes for all ages at the annual Fall Festival.
Photo by Linda Burke
Address: 6038 Sound Ave., Riverhead
Hours: Tours available May-December, Friday-Sunday 12-4pm. Self-guided tours can be taken 11am-4pm daily, year-round.
Admission: $7; $5 seniors and children ages 4-12; free for children younger than 4; or $20 for two adults and two children. Prices for special events vary.
For more information: 631-298-5292 or hallockville.com
Main Photo: Take a leisurely hayride around the farm during the Fall Festival and Craft Show.
Photo by Linda Burke