Local Teen Awarded for His Charity Work to Save Elephants
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In addition to designing and selling T-shirts, Kauderer created a documentary film titled One Every 15 Minutes about the plight of African elephants. He also continues to travel to African nations, most recently Malawi, to meet with partners and work in wildlife centers.
Kauderer, who is a freshman at Dartmouth University, says it’s “shocking how many people don’t know” what’s happening to the elephants in Africa. His goal is to raise awareness globally, but especially among young adults. “Young people have the most potential to change the situation,” he says. “If the youth are involved, we have a much better chance.”
For more information about Elephant Highway and its mission, or to purchase a T-shirt, visit elephanthighway.org. Kauderer’s short documentary film can be found at 1every15film.com.
For more information on The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes, including a complete list of this year's winners and instructions on how to nominate a young hero in your community, visit barronprize.org.